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What's been beautiful is not just to be a follower and a son of God but really pressing into him and resting in his leadership everywhere I go weather on the college campus right now which is University of Arkansas, or at the Home Depot.

Teo stories from this last week I wanted to share is one at the Home Depot, and one with a college student.

I went on campus on this past Wednesday, and when I normally go I kind of have an idea of what I will do normally who I meet up with students or pass out free stuff, but this week look a little different. I got to connect and take a friend, Anders to coffee for a quick study/class break. After that I go to share with some people about BOOMSAUCE and HOME and Identity and they were so encouraged. I soon after walked in front of the library and I locked eyes with a student, Cole. He had a huge smile and it reminded me of mine.

Cole smile reminded me oof a bible verse God put on my heart THIS WEEK, and the theme of the verse was, God is our peace and defeated the barrier and we become one with him. Cole was that visually reminder for me that God is our everything and his with us. After that I got to pray with him and thank God for our new friendship and he was so encouraged and blessed.

Another incredible story from this week was from my coworker, Johnny. I don't think Johnny believes or has a relationship with Jus or he walked away from his faith due to some things from his past. Johnny got a job at Home DEPOT last early like around late February or March, I think. Since November every month Johnny and I go out to lunch and learn more about each other.

Today we went out and we talked about the home acronym and how's it's an honor we both work at Home Depot. Johnny said one thing that I love about you as one of my best friends is that you take every OPPERTUNITY to help pull orders, help coworkers, and customers feel at Home. Your quick to respond!! Johnny added have BOLDNESS to take to people or coworkers to the next level. You make them feel loved and valued and that broke my heart.

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