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Door county..


Some students, Cole, Sam and I from Fayetteville, went to grab ice cream last week to one of my favorite desert places in the city, ANDYS. When we were leaving, we ran into a girl with a Door County sweatshirt, and I had connections to that city because of my grandparents. They had a summer cottage and campsite up there.

I approached them and as I was approaching them in my mind I was like WOW God shoes up in crazy ways and places, I started crying so I put my hand on Cole shoulder. I started sharing my connection and my relationship with my grandma (nana), and how she helped me get to this spot in Fayetteville. Arkansas. Nana and the door county shirt girl were such gift.

The girl had another friend with her ad she asked me if I was Boomy, and I said yes. I asked them if they had a relationship with Jesus or a faith background. They both said that they do and go to Fellowship. One of the girls said she's in the pastors small group, I said one of my best friends is on staff with them, Josh and his wife Lauren Banard. They thought that was cool. Cole and I and are other friend got to pray and encourage them!!

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