The second reason why I moved to this city almost two years ago not just to chase my dream of start a ministry but also to help start a church plant.
I've been a part of Antioch for going on seven years now and I've definitely have seen a shift in my first involvement in the church network in SEATTLE. The network has taught me about the spirit and the power of his authority and leadership. THAT'S WHAT HAS KEPT ME SO INVOLVED and in tuned.
Andrew Bach, was and is the campus pastor at the Seattle location and he shared every week not just the gospel but how he has been changed and impacted by the presence of Christ and a result of his YES to Christ Leadership. Andrew didn't share the gospel just because of him being a pastor but he wanted to INVITE US into the FULLNESS OF CHRIST and through him we gain confidence and direction. AS I been stayed plugged in I've also seen my heart and hunger open for the LORD!! OUR IDENITY is in him!! CHRIST is the ONLY THING THAT MATTERS to me. Everything is secondary.
God laid Fayetteville on my heart ten years ago as a city that is bringing people to Jesus. Since then I've desired to live here or visit for a season for the last couple of years. One of my best friends, Chris Tuttle went to school and grew up in Arkansas and then he went to college with some of the people that were at the Seattle campus, and I was like WOW and that's an open door!
I learned about how the Antioch movement has a lot of churches around the country and world. One of my friends that I met in Seattle told me that they were planting a church in Fayetteville. God told me now is the time to go and help the city KNOW and EXPERINCE Jesus.
I got introduced to the pastor who was going to plant the church before I moved down here which was awesome to talk with him and introduce myself. His name is Mitchell Welch. His teaching style is a lot like Andrew Bach, which they both lead and teach from an overflow of intimacy with God, and what Gods teaching them and how they have grown. The church is not where you come to learn but more to empower and help people engage in thankfulness throughout their week and connect with the LORD indivdually.
What has been so awesome and beautiful since moving to this city has been to see God provide in every step of the way and meet my needs as I've been obedient to serve him and follow him. I've grown more in understanding the HOME acronym.
H honest and honor time with God and others..
O open and offer him everything, be obedient
M move forward, must surrender
E engage with HIM and equip.. empower (COMMUNITY)